Film Academy - 2 Years Film Degree ( Singapore Campus ) - Mormugao

Tuesday, 13 December, 2011

Item details

City: Mormugao, Goa
Offer type: Sell


Contact name SAE
Phone +6563334384

Item description

You dream of making movies. You have the passion and drive, but you need skills and education to turn your passion into a career.

SAE Institute, located in Singapore’s bustling downtown, understands your passion and creates a perfect starting point to launch your career. We’ll help you translate your passion into practical skills and impart knowledge and techniques used by the directors and film makers you admire most.

From the first day in the Digital Film Making degree you’ll begin developing the technical, professional and personal skills you’ll need for a successful career. You’ll learn to direct, produce, shoot, write ad edit so you can make you own film.

It is a comprehensive film education designed to provide talented students just like you with experience in all facets of digital filmmaking and production.

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